miércoles, 16 de mayo de 2012


It is proved that the most important activity of the panches was the war. However they worked the ceramic. They painted at the rocks which nowadays some of those paintings eXist. Thay aslo practiced the music with some instruments like carracas, fotutos, trompetas de caracol, cascabeles, semillas secas and tambores.


It is proved that the panches believed that the natural events were acts of divine power. They loved the nature force like the water, the mountains, the sun and the moon. The panches had a central God very powerful that was called NANUCO or NACUCO. That God controled this planet and others, he had the force to do the good things or the bad things. This God was always showed as a women. There were also other gods like the sun or the moon.

Panches political organization

It is proved that the most important activity of the panches was the war. However they worked the ceramic. They painted at the rocks which nowadays some of those paintings exist. Thay aslo practiced the music with some instruments like carracas, fotutos, trompetas de caracol, cascabeles, semillas secas and tambores.

Panches territory

The territory were the majority of the panches lived was nowadays the territory of Tolima, Colombia. They were located from the Magdalena river until a little part of the territory of Cundinamarca. Many people say that the most important place for the panches was nowadays what is the city of Ibague, other people say that Ibague was the most important place for the pijaos, another colombian tribe. The proved places where the panches lived were nowadays, Villeta, Guaduas, Sasaima, Chaguani, Viani, Guayabal de suquima, el peñon and Utica.


The panches were a Colombian tribe, they were described by the spaniards as fearsome warriors, whose life rotated around 
the war.



The One Time Forgiveness Law: The Aztecs had an interesting law. Once, and only once, you could confess your crime to the priests of Tlazolteotl and you would be forgiven. No punishment could be given to you. Timing was everything. You could only do this once. And you had to do it before you were caught. If evidence came to light after you confessed, you were safe. You had already been excused from punishment for that crime. However, if you ever committed other crime, you would be punished to the full extend of the law. Aztec laws were very harsh.

Aztec's learning

Aztec schools offered a formal system of educationevery child had to go to school the school was also for the slaves an it was free .
There was no recess or time to relax in school. But all schools included instruction in song and in dance, not because it was a beautiful art, but because songs and dances were important to religious festivals. 

Girls learned about religion. They learned how to cook, sew, weave, and how to care for their children.

Aztec's calendar

The Aztec had a calendar system that was used as well as other Pre-Columbian peoples of central Mexico. It is one of the Mesoamerican calendars, sharing the basic structure of calendars from throughout ancient Mesoamerica.
The calendar consisted of a 365-day calendar cycle it consisted in different objects that they adore most of them animals.

lunes, 14 de mayo de 2012


Over the years the aztecs gradually increased in number in 1428 they joined to others city states and they formed the triple alliance .By the early 1500s they controled a vast empire.


 The AZTECS arrived in the valley of mexico around AD 1200. The valley contained a number of small city-states that had survived the collapse of Toltec rule.The aztecs were a poor nomadic people.They soon adapted to local ways, finding work as soldiers-for-hire to local rulers.